#Udayar-novel Udayar (novel)
Udayar (உடையார்) is a Tamil novel written by Balakumaran. The story is written in six volumes, and is a sequel to Ponniyin Selvan depicting Rajaraja Chola's rule and the construction of the big temple at Tanjore c. 1000 CE. The story's first part Read More..
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Hash title Udayar (novel)
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Description Udayar (உடையார்) is a Tamil novel written by Balakumaran. The story is written in six volumes, and is a sequel to Ponniyin Selvan depicting Rajaraja Chola's rule and the construction of the big temple at Tanjore c. 1000 CE. The story's first part was published in a weekly Tamil magazine and then published in monthly novels (Palsuvai novel, Ladies novel). Subsequently, 5 volumes were published as books by Thirumagal Nilayam. Thirumagal Nilayam Recently sixth volume has been released.
Created By Admin
Name Udayar
Authors Balakumaran
Genre Historical novel
Number in series
Number in series
Language Tamil
Country India
Story timeline
Story timeline
Pub_date 2000s (decade)
Release_date 2000s (decade)
Style of narration
Language & literature
Castings & characters
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Greatness of Rajaraja Chola's period.
"Udayar" is Tamil novel written by Balakumaran which consists of six volumes.This novel deals with the building of the Tanjore Temple, depicting in detail the mindset of the people, Rajaraja chola's courtiers and relatives. It also throws some light on the significance of the various innovations that were done during the building of the temple. If you want to know more emperor Raja Raja Chola The Great this is the book for it. Spending time to read this book is really worthable.
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Writing 10
Story 9
Style of Narration 9
Language & Literature 9
Castings & Characters 9
Marvel history must read Udayar
Having read Ponniyin Selvan, you would be searching for more historical novels to quench your aspirations to know more about Chola Empire and Emperor Raja Raja Chola The Great.. This is the book for it.. A sequel to Ponniyin Selvan and Balakumaran takes you even more closely to Raja Raja Chola..
After reading the book, i really felt proud for being a Tamilian.Its a very good book to know our traditions,architectural skills,how advanced the people and the society were given the time the temple was built.
Brahmarayar and karuvur thevar are new main characters who were not there in Ponniyin selvan. I wonder how such prominent figures did not feature in Ponniyin Selvan.
Overall, a good sequel to a great novel. "MUST READ after Ponniyin
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பொன்னியின் செல்வன் ஒரு கற்பனைப் புதினம். ஆழ்வார்க்கடியான், நந்தினி, சேந்தன் அமுதன் போன்றவை கற்பனைப் பாத்திரங்கள். இதில் சேந்தன் அமுதன் அரியணை ஏறும்வரையிலான சம்பவங்கள் மட்டுமே கூறப்பட்டுள்ளன, சில பல கற்பனைச் சம்வங்களோடு. இவ்வாறு கூறுவதால் கல்கியைக் குறைத்து மதிப்பிடுகிறேன் என்று தவறாக எண்ணிவிட வேண்டாம். எள்முனையளவும் எனக்கு அத்தகைய நோக்கம் கிடையாது.
உடையார், ராஜராஜ சோழனின் வாழ்வை வேறு தளத்தில் அலசுகிறது. ராஜராஜரின் வாழ்வில் நிகழ்ந்த முக்கியமான சம்பவங்களான தேவார மீட்பு, பெரிய கோயிலைக் கட்டுவித்தல், அதிமுக்கியமாக அவருடைய அந்திமக் காலம் ஆகியவை பொன்னியின் செல்வனில் கூறப்படவில்லை. அந்தக் குறையை உடையார் போக்குகிறது. மேலும் ராஜராஜர் நிகழ்த்திய முக்கியமான யுத்தங்களைப் பற்றியும், அவருடைய காலத்தில் இருந்த சமூகத்தின் அமைப்பையும் பற்றி உடையார் அலசுகிறது. பொன்னியின் செல்வன் நூல் ராஜராஜரை ஒரு காதல் இளைஞனாக (சாக்லேட் பாய்), பிள்ளைக் குறும்புகள் மாறாத ஒரு இளைஞனாக மட்டுமே காட்டுகிறது. முதிர்ந்த அறிவுடன் ஒரு மகத்தான தியாகத்தைச் செய்யும் மகோன்னதத்துடன் அந்த பாத்திரம் முடிவுக்கு வந்துவிடுகிறது.
உடையாரில் அவருடைய காதல் வாழ்வு மட்டுமல்லாது அவருடைய மணவாழ்வும் விவரிக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது. அவருடைய முதிர் பருவத்தில் பஞ்சவன் மாதேவிக்கும் அவருக்கும் இடையே நிலவிய அனுக்கமான காதல் வாழ்வு பொன்னியின் செல்வனில் விவரிக்கப்பட்ட அருண்மொழிக்கும் வானதிக்கும் இடையிலான காதல் வாழ்வைப் போன்றே சுவைபடக் கூறப் பட்டுள்ளது. தமிழகத்தில் நிகழ்த்த இயலாத மகோன்னதங்களை நிகழ்த்திக் காட்டிய ராஜராஜரின் வாழ்வை கல்வெட்டு மற்றும் தாமிரப் பட்டய ஆதாரங்களைக் கொண்டு எழுதப்பட்ட ஒரு வரலாற்றுக் காவியம் உடையார்.
ராஜராஜரைத் தவிரவும், பெரிய கோயில் என்ற கலை அதிசயத்தின் கட்டுமானக் காலத்தில் அதற்கு உறுதுணையாக இருந்த பலருடைய வாழ்வையும் விவரிக்கிற நூலாகவும் உடையார் விளங்குகிறது.
உளியின் ஓசை என்ற திரைப்படம் கூட பெரிய கோயிலின் கட்டுமானத்தில் பங்கெடுத்துக் கொண்ட ஒரு சிற்பின் வாழ்க்கைச் சம்பவங்களை அடிப்படையாகக் கொண்டவையே.
பொன்னியின் செல்வனைப் போலவே உடையாரும் வாசிப்பிற்குகந்த ஒரு நல்ல நூல் என்பதே இதன் வாயிலாக நான் கூற விழைவது.
- ஒரு இணையதளத்தில் படித்தது
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Writing 10
Story 8
Style of Narration 8
Language & Literature 8
Castings & Characters 8
The credit goes to the Author only.
I have read many of the Balakumaran Novels "Irumbu kuthiraigal" like that but i am impressed by the novel 'UDAIYAR' very much.
This novel is in six parts. Each and every part of the novel will drag us to the cholas period. He has written the novel in such a superb manner no one can turn his face from the novel. If we take the book in hands we wont leave it down until we finish.
During the reading we can see the chola kingdoms ruling, the beauty of dancing, the method of art the culture of the people. When i am reading that book i imagine actor Shivaji as Rajaraja cholan. He brought that character in the front of our eyes.
Many character name we not even heard about Mr. Bala introduced them through this novel. Small characters also he brought to our notice and gave important. The strain that rajaraja cholan had to build the big temple in Thanjavur the way the author explained is very embrasing. We can not imagine how the Big temple is constructed without any JCB and all machines. From this book only i came to know the method of construction of Big temple.After each and every time I went to Thanjavur i have never failed to give a visit to the Big temple.
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Writing 10
Story 9
Style of Narration 9
Language & Literature 9
Castings & Characters 9
Must read for Tamilian !
A well-researched historical novel on the Cholas that will take you on an epic journey through the construction of Brihadeeshwara temple in Tanjore.
Balakumaran with his slew of characters, some well-thought and some haphazard, gives a story that tells the tale of an emperor who undertook a mammoth venture and turned the fortunes of his empire, both culturally and economically. Balakumaran's research on the empire's reign is amazing and it reflects in the vast compass of the work, which apart from the central subject of the novel, deals with human emotions, class divides, technology, culture, and religion among other things. The author's love for the Cholas becomes very evident as one reads through the volumes.
Though the narration is two-paced, the slower chapters let you indulge in your own fantasies of the past.
Overall, a great read which with a faster narration and lesser digressions would have been a epic like Ponniyin Selvan. If Ponniyin Selvan gets a 5, this one gets 4.5.
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Writing 10
Story 9
Style of Narration 9
Language & Literature 8
Castings & Characters 9
A must read for historic novel lovers.
This is a kind of book that will kinder your reading habit even if u r a non-reader.
it takes you back to the time of raja raja cholan
i was amazed by the way the author takes us back in time. i really felt like travelling in a time machine for a long time even after finishing reading. this book is awesome.
you can see in the begining that the author follows the footprints of kalki but slowly he drags us into his own narrative style.
i was in tears towards the end. thats the kind of impact it creates in the reader. you will feel as if you have lived in that period.
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Writing 9
Story 8
Style of Narration 8
Language & Literature 8
Castings & Characters 8
Overall, a good sequel to a great novel.
The plot is set in Rajaraja Chola's period, who has been in power for around 16 years after Uttama chola.
The story revolves around Rajaraja's ambitious and visionary plan to build a big temple for Lord Shiva. The politics,economy and mindset of different sects of people about the temple are clearly explained. The enemies(Ravidasan's kins) conspire to take a revenge on Rajaraja for exiling their family.
Having read ponniyin selvan, one could find distinct differences in the portrayal of some of the characters. For instance, Aditya Karikalan is shown to be more ruthless than in PS. His death is explained from a different vantage point.
Brahmarayar and karuvur thevar are new main characters who were not there in Ponniyin selvan. I wonder how such prominent figures did not feature in PS.
The non linear narration of the events about karikalan, rajaraja's early life, Uttama chola's rule etc, made the story more interesting.
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Story 8.6
Language & Literature 8.4
Style of Narration 8.6
Castings & Characters 8.6
Writing 9.8
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