Udayar (novel)
Udayar (உடையார்) is a Tamil novel written by Balakumaran. The story is written in six volumes, and is a sequel to Ponniyin Selvan depicting Rajaraja Chola's rule and the construction of the big temple at Tanjore c. 1000 CE. The story's first part
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Must read for Tamilian !
A well-researched historical novel on the Cholas that will take you on an epic journey through the construction of Brihadeeshwara temple in Tanjore. Balakumaran with his slew of characters, some well-thought and some haphazard, gives a story that tells the tale of an emperor who undertook a mammoth venture and turned the fortunes of his empire, both culturally and economically. Balakumaran's research on the empire's reign is amazing and it reflects in the vast compass of the work, which apart from the central subject of the novel, deals with human emotions, class divides, technology, culture, and religion among other things. The author's love for the Cholas becomes very evident as one reads through the volumes. Though the narration is two-paced, the slower chapters let you indulge in your own fantasies of the past. Overall, a great read which with a faster narration and lesser digressions would have been a epic like Ponniyin Selvan. If Ponniyin Selvan gets a 5, this one gets 4.5.
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