Sivagamiyin Sapatham
Sivagamiyin Sabatham () is a Tamil historical novel written by Kalki, first serialized in Kalki (Tamil magazine) during January 1944 June 1946, and published as a book in 1948. Along with Ponniyin Selvan, this is widely regarded as one of the
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The book which makes to feel love, art and history
Sivakamiyin Sabatham is one of the books i love so far. As I have very much interest towards bharatham while reading the book I just imagined myself as a Sivakami and so I could feel how she felt throughout the story. I am very much inspired by her role in this book. The book reveals the true beauty of ajanta cave paintings and its beautiful sculptures. The character Mahendravarma Pallavan is truly Vichitra veerar. He talks and acts accordingly. NarasimhaVarma Pallavan, Paranjothi, Nagananthi, Pulikesi, Satrugan & Gundotharan, Aayanar characters touched my heart . Super awesome. Everyone must read this book.
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