Sivagamiyin Sapatham
Sivagamiyin Sabatham () is a Tamil historical novel written by Kalki, first serialized in Kalki (Tamil magazine) during January 1944 June 1946, and published as a book in 1948. Along with Ponniyin Selvan, this is widely regarded as one of the
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8 years ago
Overall, this is one of the book worth reading for a Tamil historical novel.
This historical novel is one of my favorite after Ponniyin Selvan.It is a historical adventure in my opinion which clearly briefs about art,dance,sculptures and historical incidents. Especially when Mahendravarman enters Vatapi as Vajrabahu from the hero side and Nilekesi enters Kanchi as Naganandhi from the villain side rises the expectations of reader.The end of the novel is an ultimate twist which reader would have never expected.The journey of Paranjothi as a normal villager to Paranjothiyar as the commander in chief of Pallava army speaks about the evolution of character in different parts of the story.The sequences such as love between Narasimha and Sivagami which is broken by the vow of Sivagami,Sivagami residing in the enemy state Vatapi under Chalukya king Pulikesi, Naganandhi turning situations like a fast moving snake really keeps the reader busy.
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