Verukal () is a Malayalam semi-autobiographical novel written by Malayattoor Ramakrishnan in 1966. It is widely credited as one of his best works.Hari Sundar G. (December 28, 2002). "In memory of Malayatoor". The Hindu. Retrieved May 3, 2011. It
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Real happiness
"Verukal" tells the story of a family of Tamil speaking Iyers who settled in Kerala. The main character of the story is Raghu. In this story, Raghu return to his native village after a gap of several years, to raise money to build a city mansion for himself by selling his ancestral home. He sets under pressure from his domineering wife. In the village, he got a chance to meet his sisters and others among whom he grew up, a flood of memories overwhelmed him, andso he abruptly changed his mind about selling the property. Nicely the story has been portrayed.
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