Bridge of Spies (film)
Bridge of Spies is a 2015 historical drama legal thriller film directed and co-produced by Steven Spielberg, co-produced by Marc E. Platt and Kristie Macosko Krieger, and written by Matt Charman, Ethan and Joel Coen. The film stars Tom Hanks, Mark
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8 years ago
With excellent direction and strong performances, Bridge of Spies is a film worth
Bridge of Spies is a much more subtle film than most war movies. Fitting for the age that it is placed in, there are no giant battle scenes here. Gunfire rarely flashes up on the screen. The only violence that is ever shown mainly comes through the US and Russia’s government’s harsh treatment of their prisoners. Refreshingly, the United States is not shown as a white knight in a world of evil. Rather, America’s government is playing just as dirty as the other side. For the sake of keeping up appearances the US government appoints James Donovan (Tom Hanks) who is primarily an insurance lawyer, to defend and possibly save the life of a potential Russian spy. But in reality the government expects the case to be rather open and shut. The defense is merely a façade to try and show the rest of the world that the United States is more just than Russia. Knowing this, Hanks is still determined to fight and try to win the freedom of his client.Spielberg is still a terrific director and his talent shows just as it always does (except for Jurassic Park 2, what were you thinking man?). Cold War era U.S. and Berlin are captured in the steely tense ways that plagued the atmosphere back then. Children play in the streets while keeping a tight grip on nuclear preparedness pamphlets. When Donovan is sent to West Berlin, the goings on seem altogether normal but as he travels to the east end over the Berlin Wall urban and social decay rear their ugly heads and make for a frightening scene. At times, there is symbolism that hits a little too heavy however. There is more than one shot where Hanks is illuminated like an angel while the rest of the room and characters remain clouded in darkness just in case we forget who the obvious hero is. But aside from these occasionally out of places frames, the cinematography and directing is fantastic as should be expected and makes for a thrilling view. Whether or not you are interested in history pieces, this is still a Spielberg film with some very entertaining and emotional moments that make it more than worth the theatre price. It may not meet the hype that comes with such a legendary team up but it is still one of the better releases this year. With excellent direction and strong performances, Bridge of Spies is a film worth
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